Google Play is very flexible on the content they accept. Some restrictions apply for previews.
Content has to be delivered through approved Aggregators.
- Content is accepted in SD and HD Resolution, Multiple streams of 5.1 Audio is accepted.
- Reasonably strict requirements to Quality of the Content.
- Working through the third party content Aggregators is must
- One week is a minimal turnaround time for the deliveries.
Google Movies was launched in May 2011 and rebranded under the “Google Play” banner in March 2012.
On computers, content can be watched on a dedicated Movies & TV section of the Google Play website, or through the Google Play Movies & TV Google Chrome web browser extension.
On smartphones and tablets running the Android or iOS mobile operating systems, content can be watched on the Google Play Movies & TV mobile app.
In order to view content on a television, users can either connect their computer to a TV with an HDMI cable, use the Google Play Movies & TV app available for select smart TVs, through the Chromecast dongle, or through Android TV.