iTunes Movies is one of the most strict stores in terms of quality, delivery and time guidelines.
Most of the content is delivered via third party Aggregators and Encoding Facilities. If you want to deliver your content we are happy to help to choose the most efficient way for you to save time and money.
- Content is now accepted in the Resolutions up to 4K UHD, 7.1 and Dolby Atmos, multiple sound tracks allowed.
- Strict requirements to Quality of the Content.
- Working through the third party content Aggregators and Encoding Houses is must.
- Two weeks is a minimal turnaround time for the deliveries.
On computers, content can be watched on the Apple iTunes Application.
On smartphones and tablets running the iOS mobile operating systems, content can be watched on the iTunes Store mobile app, no Android app is currently available.
In order to view content on a television, users can either connect their computer to a TV with an HDMI cable or through Apple TV box.